Extensive package of embedding materials to support the implementation of the strategic wellMIND™ program. Team activities, plug n play short presentations, supporting factsheets and visual resources aimed at keeping the momentum following the training programs and creating the common language across the organisation.

Ideal for: Executives, Principals, Deputy Principals, Heads of Department, Program Managers, Team Leaders, Teachers, Parents, Students and Community Members.



wellMIND™: Resilient Optimistic Capable

Building workplace culture relies on the positive wellbeing of all members of the school community; parents, leaders, staff and students. Wellbeing can be the leverage to improve overall performance by developing better collaboration and creativity, improving morale and increasing engagement. Promoting positive environments fosters better staff and student relationships, improved psychological safety and therefore improved student learning outcomes.

Our wellMIND™ program increases self-awareness, focuses on changing unhelpful behaviours, provides an organisation-wide common language and purpose around psychological wellbeing, and promotes learning across community, staff and students. The programs are designed to provide leaders and teams with the tools and concepts to continually improve their own and others’ wellbeing, resilience and grit.


Request a free wellMIND Staff Resources Pack

The pack includes information on "Attitudes and Resilience, Internal Locus of control, Reframing and Neuroplasticity, LifeStyle Factors, Hunting the Good Stuff" plus 2 Posters.

We will NEVER give out your email address or send you copious amounts of spam... just one awesome email containing the wellMIND Staff Resources Pack.

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